Collaborative to Reduce Domestic and Sexual Violence Against Black Residents in South Sacramento


What is The Collaborative to Reduce Domestic and Sexual Violence Against Black Residents in South Sacramento (The Collaborative)?

The Collaborative is a program WEAVE developed with grant funding from Blue Shield of California Foundation. The grant allows WEAVE to partner with the community to create more community-focused and culturally-responsive supports and services for Black residents facing domestic and sexual violence in the Meadowview and Valley High communities of South Sacramento.

What is being done to address these issues in South Sacramento?

As part of the grant WEAVE has hosted monthly listening sessions to learn more from the community about the prevalence and impact of domestic and sexual violence in the community, as well as begin to explore strategies to prevent it. Listening sessions have been hosted in partnership with Sacramento Children’s Home, South Sacramento Christian Center, Rose Family Creative Empowerment Center and Kaiser South Sacramento within the Meadowview and Valley High communities.

What’s next?

WEAVE will be partnering with additional community organizations and community members to host more listening sessions to continue gathering information and hearing from the community about ways we can work together to reduce domestic and sexual violence and its impact in the community.

Future listening sessions will be geared to hear from:

  • Men (both abusers and victims) because we know often men who cause harm and / or have been victimized may be hurting and in need of help too
  • LGBTQ community
  • Youth
  • Faith Communities  

From the listening sessions we have already identified strategies we are starting to implement, such as peer support groups throughout South Sacramento so residents can support each other in spaces where they feel most comfortable.

WEAVE and our partners have engaged community ambassadors, people in the community with lived experience, who can contribute to creating change in their community. Ambassadors are paid for their time and will be trained to help lead the peer support groups.

How can I get involved?

If you would like to get involved in this initiative, contact:

Tyffanie Wedding TWEDDING@WEAVEINC.ORG Or Timiza Wash TWASH@WEAVEINC.ORG or one of our collaborative partners:

South Sacramento Christian Center

Rose Family Creative Empowerment Center

Meadowview Family Resource Center