WEAVE Creates Evidence-Based Case Management Model for Survivors of Domestic Violence
Strengths Model Case Management with Domestic Violence Overlay

News release

WEAVE is proud to announce the success of the multi-year evaluation of Strengths Model Case Management with the WEAVE-created domestic violence overlay that establishes the approach as an evidence-based model for supporting survivors of domestic violence. Blue Shield of California Foundation funded the evaluation. 


The domestic violence field has long grappled with a lack of evidence-based models unique to survivors’ experiences, including client safety, client confidentiality requirements, and lack of financial resources to engage in multi-year evaluation. Much of the funding available to serve survivors of domestic violence focuses on quantifying the number of people served, making it difficult to determine if the services make it safe for victims to leave, easy to get help, or support the survivor in creating long-term sustainable change.


WEAVE identified Strengths Model Case Management as an existing adaptable evidence-based model aligned to the needs of survivors of domestic violence. Strengths Model Case Management successfully serves vulnerable individuals and families grappling with housing stability and navigating mental health systems. The WEAVE-created domestic violence overlay enhanced the model. 


Highlights of Strengths Model Case Management with the Domestic Violence Overlay:

  • WEAVE’s domestic violence overlay innovates an existing resource to create a tailored approach to supporting survivors and their children. 
  • Strengths Model Case Management offers an asset-centered approach tailored to the attributes of each family for a highly personalized approach to helping vulnerable families move from crisis to thriving. 
  • The expanded approach offers a replicable evidence-based tool to other domestic violence agencies in California and nationally.
  • Strengths Model Case Management with the WEAVE-created domestic violence overlay focuses on the individual strengths and assets and aligns with other survivor-centered and trauma-informed tools. 


We invite you to read the Executive Summary highlighting key learnings and outcomes and the data supporting the evidence-based status. We welcome deeper conversations regarding the evaluation process, how we use Strengths Model Case Management and opportunities for others serving survivors of domestic violence to use this model in their programs. Please direct inquiries to WEAVE CEO Beth Hassett at bhassett@weaveinc.org.